Monday, March 30, 2009

Winter can't stick around forever

The sun is shinning!!!! I feel the need to shout that fact from the roof tops. We have been going on walks and playing at the park the past few sunny wonderful days. No more being trapped indoors by bad weather!!
My tulips are coming up through the dirt. They just keep getting bigger. It is so wonderful. I feel like they are laughing in the face of a winter that just won't go away. Can you believe that we woke up to an inch of snow yesterday. It was very depressing. After a week of sunshine and playing at the park, snow was the absolute last thing i wanted to see. Thank goodness that it rained most of the afternoon and by dinnertime all evidence of that terrible snow was gone. Today it is wonderful sunshine again. It's not very warm but the sun is shinning. As long as the sun is shining i don't care how warm it is. We will put on our coats and play outdoors anyway. Anything to feel the sun on our faces. This long dark gloomy winter must come to an end.
I would visit a bit more but this lady has some terrible arthritis in her hand, that is bothered by drastically swinging temperatures. Typing one handed with my left hand is an awkward and time consuming task. Good bye all, we are going to go out and play.

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