Thursday, March 12, 2009

i need more girly knowledge

I knew that with two daughters some day i would regret not reading Vogue, Vanity Fair, and not understanding much of what goes on in Sex & the City.
I have never really been a girly girl. That's not to say that i don't like dresses, know how to apply my make up, pluck my eyebrows to a shape that's good for my face, and know what colors i look best in. I just honestly don't usually pay that much attention. I pick out clothes based on comfort, don't generally ware much make up, and only pluck my eye brows when one of my sisters mentions buying me some tweezers.
So to the crux of my problem. Samantha and Kaitlyn both need haircuts. I am pretty good at trimming bangs and little things like that, but both girls are in need of a full fledged haircut. Now Samantha has had a couple of haircuts. The second to last one was absolutely darling, the last one not so much. The thing is when i go into a hair salon i have no idea what to ask for. I don't know what anything is called nor do i really understand 1/2 the questions that hairstylist ask me. This works out OK for me, because i have learned the appropriate lingo for my own hair. To learn that lingo i suffered through many a bad haircut. I don't want such a fate for my girls.
I have spent a fair amount of time this morning looking for little girl hairstyles online. I don't believe i am any better informed on what to do for the girls. Wish me luck as i try and get good hair styles for my two girls. I want them to look their best at Samantha's birthday party.

1 comment:

  1. yay! Good luck, I bet they'll be so cute...I can't wait to see pictures!
