Tuesday, April 20, 2010

pictures to come

Almost ready for the road trip to Utah!
In my endeavors to prepare i have emptied the memory card on the camera. I hate to admit it's been way to long since i have done that. I copied some 400 pictures to the home server Yikes!
Anyway, if i have done my prep work well very little to get done tomorrow before we leave. So hopefully a proper blog post on my Chocolate Easter creations and many many uploads to flickr.
Have a happy day everyone.
PS: we are going to Utah for two graduations. So very proud of Stephen & Joshua!! So very happy to share in this moment with them!
PPS: Baby brother Josh finished 5th in the country at Nationals for Hockey!!! Super proud of him too! We didn't get to go but we watched online! thank goodness for streaming video!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Easter Prep

Easter is rapidly approaching and my chocolate endeavors have been going great.
I have all the chocolate candies made for our various family members.
I have one complete solid 3D chocolate bunny made for the girls. One more of those to make along with a handful of other chocolates for the girls. I have to make these last because i can eat them. It's really easy for me to resist things that make me sick. But lots of chocolate that is safe for me to eat, is in danger near me.
I currently have one soy free & dairy free & peanut free bunny hardening in the fridge now. For my soy free sister. Playing with the rice milk based, milk chocolate has been fun. I think if i ever get around to making "holiday themed treats for folks with allergies" to sell, i would use this rice milk chocolate product.
Currently looking at vegan hot cross bun recipes.
They are a classic Easter treat for my family. The things mom has bought at the store the last few years, the dog won't eat. So I have been pondering making some.
I found this one and i think I'll have to try them out. http://jennsrecipes.blogspot.com/2008/02/hot-cross-buns.html
Happy Egg Hunting if i don't see you before Easter.