Monday, May 25, 2009

My husband

My darling husband had a project list of his own. So while I have been folding laundry, mending clothes, checking temperatures and wiping noses; he has been working hard.
He has dug and ran a permanent line to the sprinkler system he installed last year (front yard) and the year before (back yard). No longer do we have a garden hose and wires sticking out of the sprinkler box. Yeah!!
He has also been working on my pond. Apparently it had a crack and was leaking. He also decided that the small but functional waterfall he installed last year was not up to his standards. He is now turning my pond into a true water feature complete with waterfall filtration system. Yeah!!!

Pretty impressive if you ask me, since he really only had yesterday afternoon to work on things. Saturday he helped his youngest sister move, then we went to a Shock game. Sunday we went to home depot for supplies after an all family sleep in morning (the girls didn't wake up until after 10am). Then i went to work that afternoon. Today he was up early to help set up computer stuff and another trip to home depot for supplies. It's now 3:30, the girls just went down for their nap and i will be leaving for work in an hour. He just now went outside to work and promises to have a running waterfall when i get home. How awesome is he? I am one lucky girl. How many guys are that handy? And how many get down right cranky if they don't have one-on-one with their kids? (time he gets while i am at work) Well i don't know the answer to that but i figure it's got to be close to one in a million.
Feeling like I won the lottery! Hope you are feeling that good too!

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