Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Connecting the dots

The girls are very aware that things come from the store. When my response is not to their liking, example “We do not have any fruit snacks.” I am often told, “then we need to go to the store and buy some.” They also understand that Farmers grow our produce and Ranchers raise our meat. The dots that they have trouble connecting together are that the stores get the produce and meat from the Farmers and Ranchers.
You see we frequent the Farmer’s market, where we buy fresh meat and produce direct from the Farmers and Ranchers. The girls who are very social, ask the farmers and ranchers questions about their items. They understand that the farmers grow/raise their items and sell them at the Farmer's Market. The girls know how much better this fresh food tastes from store bought food; it is a contrast we have talked about a great deal.
The girls have put all this information together and determined that the food in the stores can't possibly come from the Farmers. The girls are completely convinced that the Store being a Store instead of a Farmer just grows less tasty food. I have no idea how to dispel this assumption. I have tried and only strengthened their opinion.
Hopefully our current science lesson: growing our own vegetables, “from seed to table” will help. Only time will tell. At the very least Farmers market season is starting again, the girls may not believe me but i bet they would believe a farmer.

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