Thursday, September 3, 2009


I am finally feeling better. Yeah! And so are my girls.
Kaitlyn has not had a tummy ache in four days.
Samantha is going on two days tummy ache free.
I am hoping that this means that my ability to drink coffee and still feel ok this morning is a good good sign.
To add to my overall feeling better good mood.
My house is clean. It hasn't been all clean since June. I know it may sound strange but I get a kinda zen feeling when my house is clean. To add a cherry on top I am caught up on the laundry too.
Preschool has been going wonderfully. My darling little girls are soaking up the lessons as fast as I can give them. Tomorrow will be the last day of "A" week. We are going to make an apple pie tomorrow and this weekend we will visit Grandma Bev's Apple Garden to finish off our week. If we are lucky we will get to see some honey extraction from her bee hives which will lead nicely into "B" week.
Happy learning all.

1 comment:

  1. I wish that I could hang out there for a preshcool session, I bet you are a great teacher, and I konw that those girls are good students! They're gonna be the smartest girls in the class when kindergarten comes!
