Friday, January 15, 2010

We bought a Wii

After years of a video gaming system free house. We now have one!

back story:
I banished video games to the cold basement after Kaitlyn was born. The sounds of people being killed woke her from her nap repeatedly. She was a very hard child to get to fall asleep and I was very sleep deprived. I believe I might have inferred to darling husband that severe bodily harm would come to him if video games ever bother child or me again, severe bodily harm. Anyway I didn't see or hear or have an a-wall husband due to video games ever again. Now back to my story.

I had been looking into a video gaming system for awhile. Darling Husband was hesitant, he still vividly remembered hormonal, sleep deprived wife, that had banished video games. I pointed out that before the children came we played video games together all the time. We used to invite people over and have video game playing parties with multiple consoles all hooked together. (yes we are geeky, we like sci-fi stuff too, including star trek)
After a few minuets when Eric remembered these things, his eyes lit up, "The x-box 360 looks so cool and the games...... oh Kat that would be awesome lets go get one right now!" I felt bad, but I had to crush that little ray of hope. I said that whatever we got the girls had to be able to play. And none of the... well they can play this one game, while the other 20 they can't be in the room for buisness.
A little crest fallen Eric looked at me and said, "So you want a Wii? I can work with that. Can we go get it right now?"

1 Wii, 1 extra regular controller, 2 motion plus controllers, a zapper, a balance board, a memory card, and a hard drive later..... we own a Wii.
The girls love it! Eric loves it! I really enjoy all the old school games and I love the Wii fit Plus. Oh and I love battling my hubby after the girls go to bed. Some times I win, Sometimes he wins, every time we have fun. And who would have guessed that a video game would get me to do yoga. Well not me.

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