Tuesday, February 24, 2009

the dentist

My Katie bug did so good at the dentist. She held still for her x-rays. She was beyond perfect. I am so amazingly proud of my bug. Not once did they have to ask her to hold still or to open her mouth wider. She was a far better patient than i am at the dentist that's for sure.
Her teeth how ever are in much worse shape than i had feared. I will be making calls to pediatric dentist offices in the morning. Keep your fingers crossed that someone good will accept a new cash patient and have a payment plan.
You would be proud of me though. I kept it together all through the appointment and all while talking with the social worker with how i would pay for all of the treatment. I got out side and got Katie buckled in the car and turned on her TV, then i shut the door and cried in the parking lot for 10 Min's. After that little melt down i pulled myself back together, got in the car and asked Katie what kind of special treat did my brave girl want for being so good. And even now i am smiling so Katie does not worry that anything is wrong. I want to curl up into a ball and cry my eyes out. I am so worried about how i will pay for this. I feel so guilty that i allowed my child to get bad teeth. So many worries colliding into one another. Just a few more hours until bed time. Then i can have a melt down again.
Well i have ice cream to serve to one very brave girl.
Good night all

1 comment:

  1. It's that dang Hawker soft enamel! I don't know how many weeks on my childhood were spent sitting in the waiting room or the dentist chair of the train dentist. You're a super mom!

    and...I think that we have baby teeth so that they can be our practice teeth anyways. =)
