It was a happy, exciting, nagging reminder that she is no longer a baby.
I relish these milestones of hers.
I also hate these milestone.
They are reminders that in a few short months time, i will have to share her with the world. I fully admit i don't like sharing. She's mine, enough said.
She is a sensitive, smart, brilliant, intelligent, funny, charming, methodical, loquacious little girl whom i adore more each day. She can reason her way into or out of anything she puts her mind to. I may say no five times, maybe even ten, what ever the objection she will find a way around it. She has been doing this since before she learned to speak. At five and a half she has gotten frighteningly good at it. "dinner is in the crock pot, the table is set, both parents are home, it is windy but not dark or cold or rainy, sissy & i have our coat and shoes on, May we go fly a kite?"
If in years to come she does not go into a field of work that uses her innate skills at argument I'll be shocked.
Tonight I will place a dollar and some gum into a tooth shaped pillow. I will squeal with delight as she shows me her treasures in the morning. I will hug her and snuggle her and ponder the tooth fairy with her, tomorrow will be a great day.